Gina Bley: Marketing Expert & Change Specialist

Website design element in sage, yellow, and rust coloured shapes
Website design element in sage, yellow and blue coloured shapes

Product Content Creation

Crafted detailed product and blog article content for a German interior brand, ensuring branding consistency and a distinct tone of voice. Incorporated on-page and off-page SEO best practices to optimise digital presence and user engagement. The result was a harmonised blend of informative and SEO-boosted content.

Some Pages

Knowledge & SEO

Over two months, I spearheaded content creation for an established German interior franchise, curating content for both their online and offline offerings. Immersing myself in research and expert interviews, I became the product aficionado. This knowledge was enriched with SEO strategies, complemented by PR agency outreach for backlink generation. My deliverables included 20 meticulous product page contents and 5 informative blog articles. A subsequent two-week period was reserved for quality assessment and refinements.

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